TripAdvisor: SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai is among the top 10% of hotels in the world
International travel recommendations website TripAdvisor has for the eighth time given the Travellers’ Choice award to SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai. This means that the hotel is among the world’s top 10% best hotels.
In addition, SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai won 1st place among all hotels registered in the TripAdvisor system in Druskininkai. The winners of the “Travellers’ Choice award” were selected on the basis of the feedback and opinions of TripAdvisor travellers collected over the past year. These ratings largely focused on service, quality and value. Of the 388 guests who reviewed SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai, 281 gave the highest rating – excellent. The reviews mostly related to team attention, care and professionalism. Rasa TripAdvisor wrote: “All the staff – from housekeeping to waiters and reception – do simply incredible work. The quality of service at SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai is higher than anywhere in the world where I’ve visited – and I have been to more than 45 countries.”
We would like to sincerely thank our guests who have helped to win this award. Every Member of the SPA VILNIUS team seeks to create high-end service. We are conscientious of and attentive to every detail. This also “earned” us another international award.