Cold diseases and symptoms irritate both adults and children. Noone likes continuous cough or waling with runny nose. Not to speak about fever and various unpleasant complications not allowing to enjoy life?
A lot of mothers do not want to "overfeed" their kids with different pharmaceuticals and seek for other treatment methods which are more friendly to the organism, safer and more natural. We recommend to remember the old good inhalation method and try the mineral calendula inhalation for children.
Even today, advantages of inhalations are indisputable:
Medical calendula inhalations are universal, suitable to everyone, small and large patients. This nice yellow blossom plant has disinfecting, antibacterial and anti-virus effects. It stops inflammations, promotes cell regeneration. After the treatment, bronchial drainage will improve, coughing will become easier.
"Home" inhalation really differs from the inhalation which may be performed in the professional's room in its effectiveness. The effects of breathing in vapour "above the pot" will be rather superficial. Meanwhile, use of modern equipment will lead to the results which will encourage the little breather and his/her parents.
Please consult your physician or our professionals on the number and frequency of necessary calendula inhalations.
Thai Massage for Youngsters & Kids | 30min . | 43,00€ |
Mineral Inhalation for Kids | 10min . | 9,00€ |
Group Physical Therapy (kinesitherapy) to Treat Flat Feet | 30min . | 10,00€ |
Individual Physical Therapy (kinesitherapy) for Kids | 30min . | 19,00€ |
Average Mineralization Herbal Kids Bath "Resistance" | 15min . | 14,00€ |