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Mineral Pine Oil Inhalation for Kids

Treatment is not suitable for:
After meal
Duration : 10min.

Today, various inhalations experience a modern revival. This method which has been known for centuries is particularly effective assistance in fighting against cold symptoms or simply wishing to prophylactically support the organism. Indeed, the old "breathing over the pot" method is not particularly pleasant and safe for children (since it is easy to burn oneself); thus, it is worth to purchase a modern inhaler or visit a professional what would be even more effective.

This time we have prepared a mineral pine oil inhalation for your kids. Scots pine is a special help in fight against cold and treatment of inflammations and preventive support of the immune function. Probably you have already heard about positive effects of a walk in a pine forest on our organism?

Mineral pine oil inhalation will help your little herp to:

  • Promote cough;
  • Support natural protection of the organism;
  • Protect against infections;
  • Treat respiratory diseases;
  • Relieve sore throats, headache and other pains;
  • Fight against inflammations.

Therapeutic substances and minerals in the vapour go straightly to the respiratory tract and immediately start working. Aromatic elements flow to the nasal cavity, stimulate sensitive points in it; thus, causing impulses which achieve certain brain areas. This promotes smooth mental work. At the same time, they affect the respiratory system and suppress inflammations.

Breathing in vapour liquefies sputum accumulated in the lungs, promotes cleaning of sputum and moisturised mucositis becomes much more resistant to the exposure of bacteria and viruses.

Please consult your physician or our professionals on the frequency and number of inhalations.

! Attention: Prices indicated in the price list are available for the treatments prescribed by SPA VILNIUS the therapist only. Otherwise, 21% VAT is applied.

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