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Tension-relieving Massage with Amber Stones

Treatment is not suitable for:
After meal
Duration : 60min.

Would you like to experience the particular therapeutic effects of relaxation? The authentic peerless therapy combining music, massage and therapeutic properties of amber stone will allow your body to recover energy, harmonise your inner world and give you an ever-stronger sense of ease and happiness. Help yourself to experience the blessings of life again.

The massage is performed using natural lumps of amber. Probably you are well aware of the therapeutic properties of the organic mineral? Amber has been used in cosmetic products, different SPA rituals already for a long time, since it has special distinguishing therapeutic properties. The amber acid segregating in the course of the massage intrudes into the subsurface and starts activating metabolism, stimulates detoxification and regeneration processes.

Purposefully chosen music will relax the body and nervous system from daily tensions and will help you to forget your problems and see the world with a new lens after the treatment.

Progress and therapeutic effects of the treatment:

  • Having familiarised yourself with the physiological effects of the treatment, you will settle on the massage table, will be covered with a warm flaxen sheet and can gradually turn into a whirl of pleasant relaxation. The massage master will relax tense leg muscles with the help of special amber stones, then the massage master will perform a lymphatic drainage massage by means of an amber massager.
  • After treating the back with medical amber oil, all muscles of your back will be massaged with an amber stone by gentle targeted movements. The heavy burden of concerns and emotions will lift off your shoulders and spine.
  • The massage techniques applied in the course of the therapy will activate the regeneration and detoxification processes, help the organism to recover after active activities, stress, not fully proper nutrition or other habits.
  • Due to amber and other therapeutic measures, this authentic massage stimulates biologically active points, relieves physical and emotional tension, prevents cell oxidation and promotes their regeneration.

Benefits of the innovative tension-relieving Massage with Amber Stones for you:

  • strengthens and activates the functioning of internal organs;
  • supports the immune functions and has anti-inflammatory effects;
  • actives lymph circulation and detoxification processes;
  • harmonises functioning of the nervous system and relieves tensions.

Little secret: if you wish you have double benefit, you can enhance the effects of the therapy by positive attitude and special power of imagination.

Recommendation: to have the treatment 5–6 consecutive days or every second day.

! Attention: Prices indicated in the price list are available for the treatments prescribed by SPA VILNIUS the therapist only. Otherwise, 21% VAT is applied.

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