Royal Rest with up to 20% Discount! Read more

Terms & Conditions

I. Reservation provisions Online
Reservation in using reservation system is performed as follows:
  1. Customer has an opportunity in choosing offered packages and standard lodging for the night which are presented in reservation table.
  2. Customer familiarized with the content and price of the Package can choose the time for the chosen room and additional conditions or package.
  3. Customer chosen an offer forwards to the next step – form where he indicates his personal data and remarks for the reservation.
  4. Customer filled the data can perform the advance payment by using system (or

II. Customer performs the advance payment indicated of one of three ways used in system and outstanding part is paid when he arrives to hotel. 

  1. Customer does not perform any payments in relation with the execution of transaction.
  2. When the reservation is removed no less than 10 days is left since the intended arrival, the payment must not be performed. Hotel must return the overall advance within the 21 days period.
  3. When the reservation is removed less than 5 days is left since the intended arrival, advance remains for the hotel.

III. Final provisions

  1. Customer must indicate the date in reservation form correctly. Hotel is not responsible neither for the arrival or departure period chosen incorrectly nor false data indicated by the Customer.
  2. (, electronic payment system, is responsible for the service of money taken for the reservation. 
  3. Hotel or company which provides services is not responsible for the unavailability caused not for their fault or other difficulties which are not in the competence of them.

IV. Customer marked “I am familiar with provisions” submits he has understood the conditions provided in the provisions and agrees with them.

V. Gift certificate

  2. It is forbidden to reveal the security code to any person from the third party. We want to inform you that dishonest people can try to use your services if they get to know the security code of your voucher. Therefore, make sure your security code is not revealed.
  3. If you lose the voucher or its security code is revealed to the third party, services will not be provided, using the voucher.
  4. Gift coupon confirms the right of the Gift coupon holder to use services or the sum specified in the coupon.
  5. If the sum of the desired purchase exceeds the value of the Gift coupon, actual difference can be paid in cash.
  6. Gift coupon shall not be exchanged to cash.
  7. Gift coupon is valid for 6 (six) months from its purchase date. If the Gift coupon is not used until the end of its validity period, it will be regarded as void.
  8. The extra pay will be applied accordingly if a gift coupon is used during a high-season (in Druskininkai and Anykščiai) or weekends (in Anykščiai).
  9. If the holder of the Gift coupon acquires services for the amount lower that the amount specified in the Gift coupon, remaining amount is not returned to the holder of the Gift coupon.
  10. Gift coupon without services specified can be used in SPA VILNIUS Druskininkai, SPA VILNIUS Vilnius and SPA VILNIUS Anykščiai.
  11. GIFT COUPON for specific services can only be used in the particular SPA centre, which is indicated in the GIFT COUPON